Monday, September 28, 2015

Check Yoself: The Art of Planning and Reflection

So many people tend to go through life simply reacting to situations and continually letting the same setbacks hold them back.  It doesnt help that there are endless distractions all around in todays world, makeing it incredibly easy to get side tracked and become offbalance in life.  People start overlooking important priorities, placing less rewarding priorities over the ones they truly care about and simply go through days without much thought or direction.  Learn to break out of this downward spiral of a habit!  Instead of wandering aimlessly through life, identify exactly what it is you want and go get it, no matter what obstacles you may face along the way, no matter who tells you to do otherwise.  
It's amazing what the mind has the capability of doing and how people can go through much of life without harnessing their maximum potential, settling for a life so much less than what they are truly capable of. Habits are hard to break yes, but with consistent monitoring and reflection of day to day actions, one would be amazed at all that can be accomplished and overcome.  Find the time and get connected with your true values and priorities, focusing on what YOU want out of life and stop wasting crucial energy on anything unnecessary, anything holding you back from reaching your goals and dreams.  Just 10 minutes of planning and reflecting on a day to day basis can make a world of a difference in your life when practiced consistently.  
Know Your Core Values
Its important to always have a general plan, some form of direction for your days, weeks, months and years to come.  This can be hard to do however when you dont fully know yourself and what it is you really want out of this crazy life.  Often times we let what others want for us affect our actions and decisions even if it means our own happiness is sacrificed.  To get on the right track, take the time to turn off all distractions and take the time to identify your core values in life, what truly adds happiness, purpose and energy to life in your eyes.  Do this and you will start to see clearly what is most important to you and what actions or changes need to happen in order to maintain these values.  You may also come to realize that you are putting other aspects in life ahead of what's really important to you or youve been focusing too much in one area while neglecting another area just as valuable. Write your values in a place you can always refer back to if ever feeling doubtful.  Values could range anything from health, family, your spouse, security, travel, wealth, knowledge, adventure, fame, you name it.  There is no right or wrong answer, just be honest with yourself! Once values are clear, it will become so much easier to put some meaningful plans into your days, brining both focus and direction to your day to day actions and more success in accomplishing the life you've dreamed of.
Planning Time
A lot of times we know exactly what we want but somehow never aquire this goal.  This can happen due to a variety of reasons but often it happen simply because we become distracted and fail to plan how to go about every aspect towards actually reaching our goals and pursuing our life long dreams. We don't follow through!  It becomes more of a wish than an actual attainable dream or goal.  Find a space  space and time in day to day life, away from any distractions to truly go inside your mind and make some serious plans!   Answering simple but crucial questions often overlooked can add more focus to any circumstance.  Ask yourself and answer as clear as possible, what needs to be accomplished, how you will go about conquering these tasks and dont forget to ask yourself why you are making these plans.  If the reasons why are not to satisfy core values then reevaluate!  Are you truly happy with the choices you are currently making and thoughts you are creating? If not, make the decision to change, it is always in your control.  Once clear steps toward your goals have been made, the goal becomes so much more attainable because you have direction.  Learn to create a cyrstal clear visual of your end goal along with a clear vision of the steps needed to reach the goal.
Just as critical as planning is the act of reflecting, which will also help ensure you are putting plans to action.  Humans have this crazy habit of getting way too comfortable in life, often creating a falsified ego about how much they are doing.  There is always room for growth, no matter what your age, remember this!  Learn to always recap your days to look for mistakes you may have made, for areas of improvement, even if it's the slightest change.  Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself  to be the best version possible of yourself.  When reflecting, focus attention first on the accomplishments of the day, then look for any possible areas of improvement.  Were your accomplishments in line with your priorities and values?  What went well?  What could have gone smoother?   Are you focusing too much in one area of your life and not enough in another?  Look at both positives and negatives of yourself and actions throughout the day.  Dont judge yourself in a negative harsh way but also dont let yourself start forming an ego, thinking there are no faults to your being.  Simply be aware of the faults so you know what may need improvement tomorrow, what could be avoided in a similar situation in the future, and start solving your mistakes before they repeat.  

Give it some effort and over time watch yourself start to plan and reflect out of pure positive habit and notice yourself making less mistakes while accomplishing more in day to day life.  Be sure to check my recommended reads on the sidebar.  The Outliers by Malcom Gladwell is a great read that expands on just how crucial small habits can be in the lives of the most successful.  What are some of your goals for the upcoming weeks and month to come? 

 Wake up, stay focused and make the most of your day!

Peace & love,


Monday, July 27, 2015

Korean BBQ

Being that my husband is Korean and enjoyed half of his childhood growing up there, the Korean cuisine has become a big part of my life as well.  If you have not discovered Korean cuisine, Korean BBQ is a great place to start.  Must also mention how healthy and balanced of a diet Koreans have, one of the reasons I love the cuisine so much.  No wonder, as a nation, South Korean people seem to be so health conscious and physically fit! 

Now if your diet is primarily westernized, some of their dishes may prove to be overwhelming and challenging to even consider but with an open mind, Korean BBQ is a perfect place to begin embracing the culture of South Korean cuisine. 

The big question is, what does Korean BBQ really entitle?  The basis of Korean BBQ revolves around the idea of communally cooking food at your table with family and friends.  At a Korean BBQ restaurant you will come in to find tables set up with a nice sized grill in the middle of each table. I love these tables. To grill, expect quality cuts of meat, poultry, seafood, and vegetables to choose from. 

Choose a Combo, Any Combo...
Once you are seated, you'll probably be greeted and offered hot barley tea or water.  There will be given a variety of combo selections to choose from.  These combos vary in price but will often include a marinated beef sirloin known as bulgogi, chicken, kalbi beef short ribs, pork, prawns, squid and mixed vegetables to choose from. If you are feeling extremely adventurous you can even opt for a combo including beef intestines and other various organs, which although may be foreign to western cultures, eastern cultures prize these organs for their nutritional qualities. 

It's All About the Banchans!
After choosing a combo dish, get ready to feast!  Aside from the choice cuts of meats, true Korean BBQ always serves many many side dishes!  These side dishes are known as banchans and add such a nice contrast to the meats.  They are so good!  Banchans typically include kimchi, a fermented cabbage known as a staple to Korean cuisine, pickled white radish, cucumber, spinach, potato, green onion, and the list could continue. Every korean restaurant serves their own unique combination to side dishes.  Be bold and try these sides either separately or in between bites of the main meal for a nice contrast in flavor.  They know how to make the side dishes taste great while still using super healthy ingredients. 

When the server brings out with the combo plate, do not be shocked when a pile of uncooked meats comes out.  This is the thrill of the whole experience, the customers get to cook the meats themselves together.  And if you do need help, your server will be glad to help out.  The freshness that comes from the meats coming straight off the grill is amaaazzinng. Combined with the array of banchans, rice and salad, your tastebuds will reach a whole new level of happy. The best part about it is everyone can choose to eat what they like, tailor making the meal to fit their taste pallet and diet preferences.

Never have I left a Korean BBQ without feeling better than I did prior to walking in and so happily satisfied. And the great part about it, you can consume it all knowing you are eating a good balanced meal of protein, carbs, and key nutrients from all the selections of veggies. 

Hope you all enjoyed the post.  Broaden your comfort zone and try out some Korean BBQ! It will be an experience to remember and so tasty.  I absolutely love it. And if you have any of your own experiences with Korean BBQ, share them by commenting below, I'd love to hear! :)

Peace & love, 


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Juicing: A Beginners Guide

There came a point when I realized something needed to change with the way I intake vegetables and fruit.  I simply wasn't eating enough of them.  Fruits and vegetables are vital to ones health and wellbeing as they are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, essential to optimal body functioning.  Sadly however, studies continue to show people lacking fruits and veggies in their diet.  People continue to nutrtionally starve themselves of the nutrients essential to their health.  Juicing is one great way to ensure you are intaking these vital sources more often and is a great alternative for those who don't like their vegetables.  Get your daily dose in a tall glass of juice every morning and you can intake a significant amount of fruits and vegetables that you wouldn't have otherwise. Do this consistently and the body will start to thank you.  A healthy balanced diet full of fruits and veggies is one of the surest ways to gain and maintain optimal health. 

If new to juicing,  it can be a little intimidating.  Where do you start?   What do you juice?  Do certain vegetables and fruits juice better than others?  These are just a few questions of many which may cross the mind.  So for a few tips, let me share my juicing discoveries with you all through countless experimentations, research, and trial runs.  

Buying a Juicer

The first thing to consider when starting to juice is the juicer.  When looking for a juicer, the higher the power, the easier and smoother the juice will come out which is key in making a tasty nutrient dense juice.  There are a few different styles but it is nice to have a juicer with a built in pulp catcher.  It makes clean up much easier.  A juicer with parts made of metal will be more durable than those made of plastic components.  My first juicer was a breville 800 watt and I loved it, great for first time juicers.  If looking for something that juices quickly due to time constraints and which will bring a higher nutrient yeild, the nutri bullet is decently priced and will ensure maximum nutrients are supplied, although expect a thicker juice with more fiber. 

Nutritious and Delicious!

Dont get skeptical if you hate vegetable juice! There are plenty of ways to make juice both nutritious and delicious. One great trick is to mix vegetables with fruits.  The sweetness of the fruits will mask the bitterness of most vegetables.  If just starting out, try a ratio of 2 fruits per one veggie.  Be aware though, for diabetics, stay cautious of how many fruits are used as their sugar can cause a spike in blood sugar.  Always check with your health care provider when making any significant changes to your diet if ever unsure. When the body becomes more attune to the flavor of veggies, increase the veggies to two and slowly decrease the amount of fruits. 

Prep your produce

When juicing, it is key to prep your fruits and veggies before starting, especially if planning to make juice for a couple of days.  This may seem time consuming but prepping while juicing will take much longer.  For basic guidelines, first off, wash everything! I also recommend taking all the skins off any fruits and anything that has a core, such as apples, mangos and pineapples, and of course don't try juicing the core itself.  As far as veggies go, pretty much every component can be juiced so just be sure to chop in cubes that can fit in the head of your juicer and remember to cut off any beet, ginger or potato skins.  

Supercharge your Juices

Another way to get the most out of homemade juice is to use produce high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, produce known as superfoods. Some of my favorites to juice are kale, spirulina, beets and blueberries.
Seeds:  Add flax and hemp in seed or liquid capsule form for added nutrition.  Not only do seeds such as these pack a high yield of anitoxidants and omega3 fatty acids, they also become completely tasteless in juice.  If you like a little texture or crunch there's also the option of topping the juice with the actual hemp or flax seeds.

Herbs: Herbs have been used for thousands of years for their many medicinal benefits and can be a great addition to a juicing regime especially if trying to correct a specific ailment with the body.  For juicing it's best to use herbs in the freshest most natural form. Some great herbs to start with are cilantro, wheatgrass, mint, and parsely, but for those who really want to take advantage of what herbs have to offer I recommend picking up a guide book.  There are so many herbs out there with so many benefits for different ailments of the body, unless you are an expert, you may not have even heard of a lot of these herbs.  I highly recommend the Juicing bible (link in sidebar) it has an entire herb section and goes into detail of each benefit, describing medicinal uses, what the Herb looks like and the best way to juice. I love it!

Spices: Spices are a quick and easy ingredients to add to juices which like herbs can have some great healing properties.  Some simple ones to add for beginners are cinnamon to aid digestion, nutmeg as an anti inflammatory aid, and sage as an antimicrobial & a circulatory stimulant.  These are just a few of many, but again for more in depth information pick up the juicing bible, it is full of helpful information!

Whole Food Supplements: JuicePlus Capsules are currently the only supplement I use. Unlike most vitamins and supplements on the market which typically extract a small amount of vitamins in fragmented forms, juiceplus uses whole foods, juicing over 28 varieties of veggies,  fruits, berries and grains at low heat and encapsulating it all into capsules. It's a way I can guarantee my body is getting the dose of essential nutrients it needs EVERY day.  Certified kosher, vegan, gmo free, & preservative free, these capsules are backed with over 30 studies done by medical journals and universities from around the world showing a high absorption rate along with benefits such as reduced DNA damage, reduced oxidation, & an increased immune defensed to name a few.  I am so grateful to have found this product! When juice is made up, break open the capsules and mix in with your juice for even more added nutrition. Although be sure to add the capsules right before drinking as the nutrients inside become so bioavailable and active once reconstituted with liquid that they will spoil quickly if not consumed immediately! 


To finish up, here are a few of my favorite recipes to get you started! I try to color coordinate the combinations to get the brightest most flavorful juices. Be adventurous and try them out, these ones are super tasty.  Each recipe should make 16 to 32 ounces of juice. Feel free to adjust recipes to your liking, tasting them along the way and supercharge whenever possible!  More recipes are sure to come, enjoy!  :)

Yellow Drink
1 mango
3/4 cup pineapple
1 apple
1 yellow pepper
1 sweet potato

Green Drink
1 big bundle of kale
1 cup pinapple
1 cucumber
2 apples

Purple Drink: 
1/2 a red cabbage
1/2 cup red beet
2 cups blackberries
2 apples

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Today's focus is all about gratitude. A lot of people forgot all too often to place focus on their mental health, even though they may be in great health physically.  To stay fully balanced and to get the most out of every opportunity you gotta start taking more care of your mind & strengthening it too! Learn to keep your thoughts positive and always be grateful, no matter what life throws your way.

Many noteworthy scholars have said, "the suffering that the individual experiences is a result of that in which their mind clings.  Suffering is a result of the mind."  We must fix our minds, the way in which we experience everyday occurrences in life.   This is no easy task however if the mind has gotten used to preconditioned habits.  It takes a lot of will and a strong desire to change your thinking and essentially reprogram how you process life.  You have to start with small changes and one huge factor in a healthier mind comes from the act of gratitude.  Being seriously and truly grateful.
It's All About Perspective
If you're having a bad day or find yourself frustrated or angry, stop what you are doing and take a minute to put problems into perspective.  When you constantly are focusing on little annoyances and negatives in life,  you only attract more negativity. Ever notice how when you wake up having a "bad" day, it only seems to get worse?  This is because you are only focused on the negatives!  If you ever wonder why something isn't going the way you'd like in any aspect of life, chances are you've started to take a part of your life for granted. Study the law of attraction and this makes perfect sense being that like is said to attract like. Whenever you feel this happening in life, reverse the process as soon as possible by looking at what is going right. By doing so, the brains process to renew and reevaluate is activated.  You have more control over thoughts than you realize so learn to cling to the positives in life!

Your Body Loves You..
Think about all the functions in the body taken for granted. Every day the body works in full force to keep us healthy and to make what we think happen.  We usually don't consider this much until we are diagnosed with some sort of health problem or when a bodily function or limb is lost.  Think about what the body does nonstop all day every single day .  The lungs bring in fresh air to filter through the body, nerves and synapses are constantly firing, sending messages throughout so that everything interacts and functions properly, the digestive track breaks down food and delivers nutrients essential to various organ functions, legs allow you to get from place to place, arms the ability to carry things and feed yourself. Your heart, eyes, ears, nose, spine, every component of the body works to serve you!  Don't wait till what you have is gone.  Be grateful today, now, while you are healthy.

It blows my mind the negative things I hear people telling themselves.  The mind and body are connected.  Remember this.  Think negatively about the body and the body will feel the effects and eventually may stop operating at full potential.  Would you work for someone who has no appreciation for your work?  Maybe, but you probably wouldn't do your best job.  The cells of your body and organs react this same way.  You are made up of millions of tiny cells which all love you beyond measure, all are connected to the brain and to your thoughts, so be conscious of what you are telling these cells.  Again shift your perspective, be grateful for all the incredible things your body does for you if negativity ever creeps around. Feed your body positive thoughts to motivate and encourage your cells to operate at full potential instead of constantly putting yourself down with negative self talk.
Think of all the relationships in your life that have made an impact on you, especially those close to you.   You can learn something from every single one, whether they bring joy or pain, every relationship has helped shape you in some way. Let the ones close to you know how much you appreciate them, not just through your words but through everyday actions. We often get way too comfortable with loved ones and they are the first ones we bring our frustration out on if having a bad day, when really they have little to do with the problem, we neglect to appreciate all that they do.  Remember, when one becomes ungrateful, it is here where problems begin to arise. Taking someone or something for granted, whether it be a relationship, work, ones health or even finances, will all eventually have effects so always remain grateful. 

Think Bigger
Don't think just in terms of yourself and others, this is a great place to start, but there is so much more to be grateful for!  The fact that this planet even exists in the first place is amazing but it's easy to forget this if living in a heavily populated city where stars are practically nonexistent.   This universe is giant, the Earth a mere small spec, which makes us even smaller! Remind yourself of just how small we are. Often times we get caught up in our ego & we begin to put out unrealistic expectations. Become aware of this when a small problem seems like the end of the world and you will more than likely realize your problem really isn't a problem at all.
Take more time out to explore this earth while on it.  This planet has everything we need to thrive.  The land, the water, the moon which controls our tides and gravitational pull, the sun that gives us energy and light at just the right times.  And trees.  Sounds completely silly, but lately I have found a new gratitude for trees.  All they do is give.  People abuse them, cut them down and they still keep on giving fresh clean air for all to breath, shelter, and fresh fruits to eat year after year. Crazy.  Be grateful for the food this planet provides that you are able to eat.  Not everyone is able to enjoy this basic need so readily so before you eat take a minute to appreciate your food, appreciate all the people who put in work to grow and get this food to you and appreciate the food itself for all the nutrients it will bring your body.  Every time you eat is a chance to nourish and replenish the body, be more conscious of this, more thankful of all that is put into your body and next time you step outside, take a minute to really appreciate the environment.  Make an effort to shut the mind off from thoughts and just be, be content with what is and absorb what is all around.

Retrain your mind
I could go on and on about all there is to be grateful for, the list truly is endless but until you make it a habit to look at the positives in life, to truly be grateful, it can be hard to appreciate all that you have, to see all the possibilities that are available to you.  To get on the right track, get into the habit of asking yourself what you are grateful for and make a list of 10 things,  they could be anything small or big.  Sounds simple yes? But by doing so, the mind is forced to switch directions.  Do this daily for a month and see if you notice thoughts changing. The more time taken out to truly be grateful for all that you do have and have had throughout life, the more gratitude life will show in return.  You'll start finding less to complain about and spend more time feeling at ease and truly happy with what life has brought.  Expect nothing and life will often bring many great surprises your way Truly learn to truly go with the flow of things and don't allow negative thoughts or negative people to have any place in the mind.  Nobody has complete control over every situation but one will always have control over how they react to a certain event in life, no matter how negative that event may appear at first.

Some of the most humble people have been through more hardship than many could imagine yet they remain so happy, so grateful.  Even if there's barely a dollar to your name and find every matter to be working against you, ask yourself, do I have a home? Do I have people who care for me? Is the sun shining today? Did I get a good nights rest and awake for another day?  The reasons to be grateful are always there.

Constantly remind yourself of all the amazing things that take place in life, by truly being aware of everything that happens to create your life, your brain and thoughts themselves will become more positive, more grateful and this in itself will attract more positive outcomes. Like attracts like, positivity attracts more positivity. Sounds too good to be true but this is the universal law of attraction in the works here. Our thoughts, just as this planet does, operates on energy.  And energy operates with this law of attraction.  It's wild and under your control more than you may think! 

What are you grateful for today? 

Peace & love,
